Friday, August 2, 2013

Weekly Photo Contest: Flowers and trees!

Weekly Photo Contest: Flowers and trees!

Before we know it, the leaves will begin to fall for most of us and summer will be long gone. So this week, we're giving you the task of paying attention to all the amazing nature scenes around you, particularly flowers and trees.

From the sun shining through the leaves to flowers in full bloom, we want to see how great you can capture them with your iPhone!

The contest begins today and ends Tuesday, August 6th, at 10pm Eastern time.

It's also time to announce the winner of last week's photo contest! And the winner is...

Congrats to Connor The Picture Guy! What really stood out about this photo was the great use of rule of thirds and how he composed the image. From the scenery to the adorable dog subject, it's an all around great photo!

We'll be contacting you to collect your $50 iTunes gift card! Congrats again!

And without any further delay, here are the details on this week's photo contest!

The prize: Olloclip for iPhone!

Aside from a thumbs up from the entire iMore crew, this week will be giving away an Olloclip for iPhone which will give you the ability to capture wide angle, fisheye, and macro shots straight from your iPhone!

The rules

Submitted photos must have been taken with an iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch.

We'll check the EXIF data of the original file to verify and any edits must have been done with an iPhone or iPad app. No Photoshop, Lightroom, or other external editing programs! If you have external lens accessories such as an Olloclip or other snap-on lens, you are more than welcome to use them.

You can submit as many photos as you'd like, but remember, this is a contest, so make sure you submit your best work!


Now, before you run off to take your photo, remember that it's not technical skill alone that will claim this prize. Even if you're not the best photographer (yet!), a great eye and a great subject can still get you the win.

However, a little help can never hurt, so make sure you check out our iPhone photography series for some tips.

How to submit

Submitting your photos is easy. just head over to the iMore Photography Forum and post your photos to the official contest thread. Don't forget to state which apps, if any, you used to edit your photo!

That's it! Now go out and shoot!





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