Monday, August 5, 2013

NFL redesigns mobile app, inexplicably blocks rooted users

NFL Mobile

A whole bunch of good changes, and one bad one.

Just as the NFL preseason kicks off, the NFL Mobile app for Android has received a serious facelift and also an unexpected issue for rooted users. On the design front the app looks and seems to perform much better than previous iterations, which is a big deal for the hardcore fans out there. The app now also offers even more video content including game highlights right from the app.

The last item in the changelog is puzzling to us however: "NFL Mobile not supported on rooted devices." Now we can't say that we're surprised a content producer is "afraid" of rooted devices, but it's hard to be okay with a blanket blocking of root users. Just because a phone is rooted doesn't mean that its owner is trying to do anything wrong or illegal with your content — and while it may be a small market in the scheme of things it's still a group of customers that shouldn't be blocked.

In the end its your choice whether or not to support the NFL, and by the looks of some of the recent comments on the app after its update many people are choosing not to. Grab a download of the update and check it out for yourself at the Play Store link above.

Via: @Eks193




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