Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Use this space to rant about the rumored specs of the Moto X

Moto X

We all have something to say about the rumored specs of the Moto X, so let's all just say it

Oh boy! A new Android phone is coming out, and testers and carrier reps have leaked about a million blog posts worth of details about it. Who would have thunk it, right? This time though, things are slightly different because the Moto X should be the first Android phone from Motorola that has Google's design and push behind it.

People are expecting a lot from the Moto X. What we've seen so far looks really interesting, with a new and improved way of harnessing the power of Google Now and very deep voice integration in the system. It's kind of creepy, kind of wonderful, and totally different. We'll have to withhold any final judgment until we actually use the damn thing, which should be soon if all those leaks are to be believed.

And then we come to the specs (insert dramatic music or something here). What the Internet wisdom says is that we'll be seeing:

  • 1.7GHz dual-core Snapgragon MSM8960DT
  • Adreno 320 GPU
  • 2GB of RAM
  • 16GB of internal storage
  • 10MP ‘ClearPixel’ camera
  • 720p display (possibly AMOLED)

This has a lot of people pissed off. Conversely, a lot of people don't care. I think I'm in the latter group, because I don't care if it runs on rubber bands or a hamster in a wheel as long as it runs well. But plenty of people feel the other way, and are scratching their head over why Motorola and Google would release a phone in 2013 with 2012 innards.

We don't have the answer to that. What we do have is a set of screencaps (courtesy of an anonymous imgur user) that supposedly show what CPU-Z says is inside the GSM Moto X -- including a crapload of sensors. You'll find those after the break, and that's where you can rant and rail over them. 

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Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/androidcentral/~3/amWOm-1sIH8/story01.htm


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