Thursday, May 30, 2013

Hilarious Guy Photoshops Celebrities into His Instagram Pictures

Hilarious Guy Photoshops Celebrities into His Instagram Pictures

What do you Instagram? Food. Cupcakes. The beach. The beach with your sandy feet. Clouds. Dogs. Beer. Selfies. High heels. Forgotten Nights. TBTs. And maybe on some off chance, a blurry photo of a celebrity you saw on the street. Or on a magazine. Or in a movie. You're certainly not as hilarious as Peeje T. He perfectly photoshops celebrities into his Instagram. It's wonderful.

It's really wonderful work. The 25-year-old seamlessly splices himself into pictures of the rich and famous. Jay-Z, Beyonce, Rihanna, Kim Kardashian, they're all friends with Peeje T. He gets creative with his work too, using popular images on the Internet and riffing off of it as best he can.

He told the Daily Dot that "it's gotten to the point where people expect me to make a picture when stuff starts to trend on Twitter" and that he hopes to use his graphic design and photo-editing skills to help a future company. You can see more of Peete J's work here (it's as hilarious as any portfolio you'll find and reminds me of Flora Borsi's work at splicing historical photos and Libby Cooper's Facebook cover photos).

Just check out Peeje T stealing Kanye West's seat next to Jay-Z, Beyonce and Kim Kardashian:

Hilarious Guy Photoshops Celebrities into His Instagram Pictures

Hilarious Guy Photoshops Celebrities into His Instagram Pictures

Hilarious Guy Photoshops Celebrities into His Instagram Pictures

Hilarious Guy Photoshops Celebrities into His Instagram Pictures

Hilarious Guy Photoshops Celebrities into His Instagram Pictures

Hilarious Guy Photoshops Celebrities into His Instagram Pictures

Hilarious Guy Photoshops Celebrities into His Instagram Pictures

I just want to LeBron James bear hug him. [@PeejeT via Daily Dot]



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