Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Google Wallet in-app payment feature for Chrome's packaged apps revealed

Inapp payment feature for Chrome revealed

Bringing its Chrome packaged app family closer in line with the functionality of Android programs, Google's prepared a new Chrome Wallet App to offer in-program payments. If you're looking to try it out early (and you don't already know the drill), ensure you're running Google's Chrome Canary iteration and install the In-App Payments sample files found over at Github -- we've collected all the necessary links below.

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Source: Francois Beaufort (Google+), Chromium code review, Google Wallet Service (Chrome), In-app payments sample app (GitHub)

Source: http://www.engadget.com/2013/05/28/google-wallet-in-app-payment-feature-chrome/?utm_medium=feed&utm_source=Feed_Classic&utm_campaign=Engadget


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