Friday, May 31, 2013

This Tiny Toaster USB Hub Is Your Adorable Novelty Deal of the Day

This Tiny Toaster USB Hub Is Your Adorable Novelty Deal of the Day

There's a lot of cute and stupid USB drives out there, but these anthropomorphic pieces of toast take the cake. They even come with a hub that looks like a toaster. Cuteness is expensive when it first comes out, so its no surprise the whole set is now on clearance for a fraction of the original price.





Logitech introduces a Wired Keyboard for iPad with plug-and-play convenience


The school system in my area recently announced they were purchasing a large number of iPads as part of a new education paradigm.  iPads are wonderful, and no one loves them more than me, but I will admit they are more useful for education purposes when they are paired with a physical keyboard for faster, easier note-taking or typing up reports.  When I have passed along an iPad to a niece or nephew, I’ve always included a Bluetooth keyboard.  They are older and can quickly and easily set up the Bluetooth connection when needed.  Our school system intends to use the iPads they are purchasing with younger kids, who may not be so adept at connecting a Bluetooth keyboard.  I can foresee a lot of wasted classroom time, at least at first, with the teacher having to help everyone with their keyboards.

The Wired Keyboard for iPad from Logitech is designed to be plug-and-play, so the kids (or you) would only need to plug in a cable to be ready to start working.  Logitech specially designed these keyboards for the classroom, so they are built to be durable and easy to maintain, with spill-resistant keys, no battery to recharge, and a 3-year limited hardware warranty.  They are available with either the old 30-pin connector or with the new Lightning connector.  You can pre-order either model now for $59.99.

Filed in categories: iPhone, iPad, iPod, News

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Logitech introduces a Wired Keyboard for iPad with plug-and-play convenience originally appeared on The Gadgeteer on May 31, 2013 at 10:05 am.



YouTube Live now streaming select partners in real time

Not content with limiting its dominance in streaming uploaded videos, YouTube is now ready to take on competitors like Justin.TV and Ustream. The new YouTube Live service is being rolled out to select YouTube partners and will enable real-time broadcasting. In its official announcement, Google states that "The goal is to provide thousands of partners with the capability to live stream from their channels in the months ahead."

You can check out live broadcasts at, where you'll also find a schedule of upcoming episodes from beta partners like Revision3 and Destructoid. You're also able to subscribe to YouTube Live broadcasts -- which will ensure you're notified when a new episode is coming up.

YouTube Live now streaming select partners in real time originally appeared on Download Squad on Mon, 11 Apr 2011 08:35:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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British royal family announces iOS and Android wedding app

William and KateTo celebrate the imminent marriage of Prince William and Kate Middleton, the Royal Collection will release an Android an iOS app that chronicles the last seven royal marriages, including Queen Victoria's marriage to Prince Albert in 1840.

Ironically, the app won't actually feature anything to do with William and Kate's marriage -- rather, it will focus on the "tradition, splendor and romance" that are intrinsic to British royal marriages. "[The app] will share the stories of past royal weddings and offer a wealth of historical context for the ceremony on April 29."

Unfortunately, the app, which has been lumbered with the fantastically creative name of 'Royal App,' won't be available until April 18 -- just 11 days before Kate's big day. It won't be free, either: it'll cost the rather princely sum of £1.79, or three of your Tea Party-loving dollars. The money will go to the Royal Collection, though, which is a good cause!

British royal family announces iOS and Android wedding app originally appeared on Download Squad on Tue, 05 Apr 2011 11:30:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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These First Photos of Atoms Bonding Were Taken Totally by Accident

These First Photos of Atoms Bonding Were Taken Totally by Accident

What you're looking at above is the exact moment that atoms for a covalent bond. It's the first time this intricate single-molecule transformation has been captured in the act. It's a breakthrough, it's informative, in many ways it's beautiful. And it was taken by sheer dumb luck.

As reported in this week's Science Felix Fischer and his team at the Department of Energy’s Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory had set out to do what any enterprising young molecular chemist is doing these days: Create nanostructures made out of graphene, the wondermaterial of our times.

Graphene, as you may remember, is made up of carbon atoms that have been arranged in a hexagonal pattern that, combined, creates a substance with near-magical properties. If carbon atoms are Planeteers, graphene is Captain Planet. Reordering atoms can be a tricky business, though; you can end up with any number of molecules in the process. So the team decided to get a closer look at the proceedings. A much, much closer look.

As Wired reports, Fischer and friends bummed an atomic force microscope off of Berkeley physicist Michael Crommie, which was able to capture atom-level images of carbon falling in line. And, as it turns out, something that had never been seen before: The shared electrons that create the bonds between them. And so they joined a long, noble tradition of making scientific discoveries by complete accident.

While the images themselves were a surprise, what they showed was anything but. Those diagrams you suffered through in AP Chem? Turns out they were spot on, as you can see above. What's perhaps most remarkable is that they had until now been based on guesstimates and informed assumptions. Turns out all they were missing was a little extra blurriness. [Science via Wired Science]



Ask DLS: What's your primary Web browser?

Competition is a good thing, and the browser arena has been a fierce arena for years now. There are at least four "major" browsers each vying for your attention, along with lots of smaller spin-offs (SRWare Iron or Flock, anyone?).

While the browser usage charts we share from time to time show overall browser usage amongst the Web at large, Download Squad readers are not exactly the average bunch in terms of browser use. So today we have one simple question for you:

What's your primary Web browser?

View Poll

Ask DLS: What's your primary Web browser? originally appeared on Download Squad on Wed, 16 Feb 2011 12:30:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Thursday, May 30, 2013

Tweetbot 1.3 for Mac adds media timeline, support for cover images

Tweetbot 13 for Mac brings a media timeline, cover images

Tapbots' Tweetbot for Mac already has a reputation as the desktop Twitter client for media hounds, but a just-posted 1.3 update should make that especially clear. Like its iOS counterpart, the Mac app gains a dedicated media timeline: start a search and you can spotlight only photos and videos. There are a few perks for the vain among us, too. Tweetbot now supports profile cover images, and a redesigned tweet layout shows the counts for those inevitable favorites and retweets. So long as $20 isn't too much to pay for a dedicated social networking tool, 1.3's greater media savviness is waiting at the Mac App Store.

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Source: Mac App Store



Mobile Nations podcast 21: Announcing Talk Mobile 2013!

Kevin Michaluk of CrackBerry, Phil Nickinson of Android Central, Daniel Rubino of Windows Phone Central, and Rene Ritchie of iMore come together to talk about… Talk Mobile 2013! What is it, how will it work, and just how awesome will it be? Find out!

Show notes



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Your Phone Is the Key to the New August Smart Lock

Your Phone Is the Key to the New August Smart Lock
A new door lock from startup August pairs with smartphones over Bluetooth to grant you -- and whoever you invite through its app -- keyless access to your home.



Daily Crunch: Chart




Hilarious Guy Photoshops Celebrities into His Instagram Pictures

Hilarious Guy Photoshops Celebrities into His Instagram Pictures

What do you Instagram? Food. Cupcakes. The beach. The beach with your sandy feet. Clouds. Dogs. Beer. Selfies. High heels. Forgotten Nights. TBTs. And maybe on some off chance, a blurry photo of a celebrity you saw on the street. Or on a magazine. Or in a movie. You're certainly not as hilarious as Peeje T. He perfectly photoshops celebrities into his Instagram. It's wonderful.

It's really wonderful work. The 25-year-old seamlessly splices himself into pictures of the rich and famous. Jay-Z, Beyonce, Rihanna, Kim Kardashian, they're all friends with Peeje T. He gets creative with his work too, using popular images on the Internet and riffing off of it as best he can.

He told the Daily Dot that "it's gotten to the point where people expect me to make a picture when stuff starts to trend on Twitter" and that he hopes to use his graphic design and photo-editing skills to help a future company. You can see more of Peete J's work here (it's as hilarious as any portfolio you'll find and reminds me of Flora Borsi's work at splicing historical photos and Libby Cooper's Facebook cover photos).

Just check out Peeje T stealing Kanye West's seat next to Jay-Z, Beyonce and Kim Kardashian:

Hilarious Guy Photoshops Celebrities into His Instagram Pictures

Hilarious Guy Photoshops Celebrities into His Instagram Pictures

Hilarious Guy Photoshops Celebrities into His Instagram Pictures

Hilarious Guy Photoshops Celebrities into His Instagram Pictures

Hilarious Guy Photoshops Celebrities into His Instagram Pictures

Hilarious Guy Photoshops Celebrities into His Instagram Pictures

Hilarious Guy Photoshops Celebrities into His Instagram Pictures

I just want to LeBron James bear hug him. [@PeejeT via Daily Dot]



Add a Windows 8 user tile to your Windows 7 taskbar

Now that Windows 8 images have begun leaking out, it's only a matter of time until developers start releasing mods for Windows 7 which mimic upcoming features. Over at Into Windows, they've spotted one such mod already.

In the earliest Windows 8 images, we saw Windows Live integration on the taskbar. In the far right corner, there's a user tile displayed. If you'd like to do the same on Windows 7, download Taskbar User Tile from DeviantArt user AngelWZR.

Once installed, your current picture will appear on the taskbar. Click it, and a menu appears which allows you to log off, switch users, and access the control panel. Right now, the mod only works if your taskbar is displayed on the bottom of your Windows desktop.

Add a Windows 8 user tile to your Windows 7 taskbar originally appeared on Download Squad on Wed, 06 Apr 2011 14:30:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Tim Cook not opposed to porting Apple apps to Android (but they're not going to)

Apple CEO Tim Cook, wrapping up his stint on stage at D11, said Apple wasn't religiously opposed to porting iOS apps to Android (or presumably other platforms). Cook claimed that, if it made sense, Apple would indeed consider bringing apps to Android. However, and especially in the case of iCloud, Cook doesn't currently think it makes that kind of sense.

In other words, they could but they won't. Not now, and not in any near future Cook can see. So, unlike Windows, Android gets no glass of cool iTunes water in their particular hell.

Anyone at all surprised or disappointed by any of that? Any hopes pegged on iTunes Store or iTunes Match for Android? FaceTime or iMessage?

Via: The Verge

