Friday, June 14, 2013

The BakBone was developed by an MD, but you don’t have to be a doctor to use one


There are various attachments for the back of tablets designed to give you a better grip on those slippery little suckers.  They may work fine in most situations, but they aren’t always easily cleaned.  When you’re a doctor using a tablet for data records, viewing X-rays, and sharing information with patients, you need to have a firm grip on the tablet.  Most importantly, you need to be able to clean that grip so that germs don’t get passed from patient to patient.  Dr. Paul M. Webber, an emergency room physician, developed the BakBone so that it could be disinfected with standard cleaning solutions like alcohol wipes or hand sanitizer.  The BakBone requires you to adhere a rare earth magnet to the back of your tablet or case.  After the magnet is secure, you can pop the ring portion off the tablet when you aren’t wearing it or leave it on and use it as a stand.  It works in an educational environment, in the office, or for personal use as well as it does in the medical environment.  It’s available now in off-white, graphite, or pink for $34.95.  Volume discounts are available.

Filed in categories: News, Tablets, Ultra Portables

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The BakBone was developed by an MD, but you don’t have to be a doctor to use one originally appeared on The Gadgeteer on June 10, 2013 at 12:00 pm.



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