Sunday, September 23, 2012

Hundreds of iPhone 5 units stolen in Japan and UK

The iPhone 5 is just barely available to the public and already two high-volume burglaries have cleared out the inventory in some stores. In the UK, an O2 store assistant from Ilford is suspected of stealing some 252 iPhone 5 units and an unspecified amount of cash from the store's safe at around 1:30 AM this morning.  Meanwhile in Japan, 191 iPhone 5 handsets were stolen in three separate incidents in KDDI au and Softbank stores between 2:30 AM and 4:24 AM local time. On the domestic front, thieves in Tennessee busted in to a Best Buy and stole over $100,000-worth of iPhone 5 and iPad units earlier this week. 

While I'm not too worried about the store owners that have this kind of inventory insured, it does mean that there will be more than a few disappointed customers that will either have to wait for restocking or go hunting around somewhere else for their iPhone 5.

The iPhone has always been a popular target for robbers, so those of you who have just picked up a new one, don't to be too flashy with it. Have you guys every had any direct contact with iPhone robbers? Ever in a carrier or Apple store? 

Source: The Independent, WSJ, News Channel 5



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