Monday, June 18, 2012

EXIF data possibly outs 'Nexus 7' tablet


Normally we couldn't care less about stories born from lurking on photo-sharing sites, spying new devices from EXIF data embedded in images. But in this case we'll make an exception. An ASUS "Nexus 7" has popped up on Picasa, lending credence to the generally accepted rumor that we'll be seeing a 7-inch tablet from ASUS in just a couple short weeks at Google's annual developer conference.

The picture, which we've buried after the break, isn't anything special -- just some ceiling tiles and a couple florescent lights. It's shot at 1280x960 resolution, meaning it's probably from a front-facing camera. Really, it's the existence of the tablet that's of any interest here, but neither is it all that much of a surprise. And the question remains: What will separate it from all the other tablets out there today?

Anyhoo. Be sure to bookmark our Google IO page, and we'll be bringing the whole thing from June 27-29 in San Francisco.

Source: Picasa; via

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