Saturday, June 30, 2012

Jelly Bean port passes the butter to the Galaxy S III, ROM-flashing required


It took only one day for devs to unleash Jelly Bean 4.1 from its server confines and out into the eager underbelly of Android's community. And those enterprising hackers haven't wasted any time getting that buttered up OS running on Galaxy Nexus handsets (yes, even for Verizon subs). Now, good news is also on the way for any consumers who forsook the pure Google path in favor of Samsung's TouchWizzed way. That's right, a (mostly) working port has been made available to Galaxy S III (I9300) users that should see some of that point upgrade's features successfully implemented. Feel free to take it for a test run if you're skilled in the ways of flashing, but bear in mind you'll lose access to the camera, WiFi, Bluetooth, NFC, storage and audio. It goes without saying that this build is far from the perfect ROM for a daily driver, but if you're curious to check it out first-hand, there's no harm in trying. Hit up the source below for the step-by-step how-to.

Jelly Bean port passes the butter to the Galaxy S III, ROM-flashing required originally appeared on Engadget on Fri, 29 Jun 2012 14:47:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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100% Waterproof Case Lets You Take Underwater Photos with Your iPhone

Each Endurance Protective Case for iPhone 4/4S from driSuit Technologies has been tested under 5 meters of water for one hour before it’s sold to ensure it meets the IP-68 standards for water exposure.  The case has a hard exterior with a soft interior to provide protection against drops and shocks, too.  There’s a waterproof headphone jack assembly that lets you listen to music underwater, and the fluid-filled capacitive touchscreen cover lets you easily interact with the iPhone.  You’ll be able to take clear photos and videos through this case, whether you’re underwater or if you simply want to protect your iPhone from extreme conditions while you hike, ski, snorkel, or walk in the rain.  The Endurance Protective Case for iPhone 4/4S is $59.95.

Filed in categories: iPhone, iPad, iPod related, News, Outdoor Gear

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100% Waterproof Case Lets You Take Underwater Photos with Your iPhone originally appeared on The Gadgeteer on June 27, 2012 at 10:09 am.



Google announces 'Save to Wallet' for offers and payment cards

Android Central

Google I/O has been jam packed full of new, and exciting Google software and technology. While the headline acts are no doubt the arrival of the Nexus 7 and Jelly Bean, there has been some pretty interesting stuff going on in the developer sessions. One such session, dedicated to Google Wallet, unveiled a new feature, called Save to Wallet. Initially for offers and payment cards, it is seen as the first step in opening up Google Wallet to a wider audience. 

So, what's it all about. Taking offers first, the Save to Wallet API will allow consumers to save offers from a stores website, directly to their Google Wallet. Wallet will then remind you to take advantage of it before the coupon expires. The offers can then be applied in the store, either by showing the offer code in your Wallet, or by using the NFC capabilities on your smartphone. Pretty slick. 

Adding the Save to Wallet button to an existing website requires little more than a piece of Javascript code. The benefits to retailers pretty much speak for themselves, but the consumer benefits are really nice too. By managing your offer coupons for you, Wallet will give you the notifications, to remind you to use them. After all, we all want to save some money, right? 

The Save to Wallet API also applies to payment cards as well. It works pretty similarly to offers, and allows payment card providers the ability to provide the same button on their website, and offer a seamless way to enter your card into your Google Wallet. 

Naturally, since we're dealing with potentially sensitive data here, the API isn't just opened up to anyone who wants it. It will be opened up to a limited number of users initially, in a closed beta. Anyone interested can register, but Google will only be releasing the API to approved partners. This applies to offers, as well as payment cards. 

And, what about the future? As the slide here shows, Google are promising more, coming soon. It's a smart move, if they can make a go of it. Apple's Passbook is likely the beginnings of their own Wallet solution, and Windows Phone 8 has theirs on the way. Google's taking a good first step here into expanding the functionality of Wallet. What we need now, is greater adoption -- we'd like to use our phones to pay for stuff in Europe too, Google. 

For your viewing convenience, we've embedded the Google Wallet session after the break. 

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Social Travel Site Gogobot Redesigns: Less Text, More Photos




Farragomate is a social fridge magnet game where you make up sentences

You know those fridge magnet kits composed of a whole bunch of words? The ones you put all over your fridge door and then try to arrange into all sorts of juvenile and/or amusing sentences. Well, Farragomate is the social, webby version of that very same pastime.

You get to play with a bunch of random strangers in real-time, and make up sentences out of a pre-set collection of words, including some fairly naughty ones, and all players' nicknames. As you can imagine, some of the results are not child-friendly.

There are ten rounds to a game. Once a round is done, players get to vote for their favorite sentence from that round. You can't vote for your own creation, of course. There's in-game chat, too.

I think the vocabulary could be made a bit more eclectic, but even as it is, it's a nice way to spend a few minutes and meet random strangers on the Internet (always a thrilling experience).

Farragomate is a social fridge magnet game where you make up sentences originally appeared on Download Squad on Fri, 25 Feb 2011 17:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Win the iOS 6 device of your dreams from iMore! Enter now!

Win the iOS 6 device of your dreams from iMore! Enter now!

Let's keep this short and sweet -- iOS 6 is coming this fall and iMore wants to make sure you have the latest and greatest device(s) possible to load it on, so you get the absolute best experience possible. So we're giving you the chance to win the iOS 6 device(s) of your dreams!

The prize

Well, technically iMore is giving away a $600 U.S. Apple Store gift certificate so you can buy, or put it towards, any Apple gear you want. A new iPhone 4S or shiny new iPad just for you. A couple of iPod touches or a handful of Apple TVs for friends and family. Maybe even an iPhone 5 or mythical iPad mini if and when they're released. Whatever you choose!

How to enter

Simply head on over to our YouTube channel, and subscribe, then leave a comment on the video for the iMore show 300. Make it something sassy, something sweet, something funny, something insightful, something daring, something delightful -- make it something uniquely you.


The giveaway starts now and the winner will be announced live on the iMore show on July 11, 2012.

Enter now. Heck, get everyone you know signed up and entered now!



Friday, June 29, 2012

Has the Command Line Outstayed Its Welcome?

There are many topics that tend to come up in a recurring manner around water coolers throughout the Linux blogosphere, and not just the great "Year of" debate, either. No indeed, another shining example more than a little familiar to most of us who spend any time here is the much-abused command line -- specifically, whether it's outlived its usefulness in this era of the GUI. Well guess what? The debate is back! So what shall it be? Has the command line interface outlived its usefulness? Or is there still a place for this trusty old tool?



Social Travel Site Gogobot Redesigns: Less Text, More Photos




Atari offers 100 greatest hits for free to commemorate 40th anniversary

Atari's 40th anniversary is this week, and to celebrate they're offering their catalog of classic games on iOS for free. Normally the 100-strong collection goes for $9.99, and even then, most of the titles still required in-app purchases. The version available now offers all of 'em for free, so long as you keep the arcade app installed, but it will be reverting back to its original pricing sometime tonight, so old-school gamers will want to hop on this deal soon. The list of included games include all of the big name titles:

  • Asteroids
  • Centipede
  • Pong
  • Missile Command
  • Warlords
  • Tempest
For the next 4 days, Atari will also be giving away some sweet swag on their Facebook page. If you're looking for something a little more modern, Atari recently released a cutesy remake of Centipede for iOS.

Hey, Steve Jobs worked at Atari for a spell, y'know. Someone, for some reason, actually paid $27,500 for an original memo from Jobs in 1974 on how to fix a bug in an arcade game called World Cup.

Free (normally $9.99) - Download Now



Google+ Gets a Tablet-Friendly Redesign, Events Support

Google updated Google+ for tablets and gave it a slick new UI.

Google updated its Google+ app for Android smartphones and tablets Wednesday with a slick new UI and new features announced at its annual Google I/O developer conference.

Google’s social network, Google+, just celebrated its one-year birthday. The service now boasts 150 million active users, with 50 percent signing in daily, according to Google’s latest figures. And active Google+ users are spending more than 12 minutes a day in the stream, up 9 minutes a day from a few months ago. More of those minutes are coming from mobile users than web users, so it makes sense that Google would optimize that stream, especially for tablet owners.

Google+ for tablets features a redesigned UI. The app is image-heavy, like before, but now it takes on an almost Windows 8-like feel with post images of two different sizes. If Google detects a story is picking up momentum in terms of +1′s and comments, it will be shown as a larger image rather than a small one. In landscape, the app scrolls sideways; in portrait, it flicks vertically.

You can change what stream you’re viewing by tapping a drop-down menu at the top left of the app. You can share a thought or photo, or your location by clicking in the upper right of the app, which also houses an icon you can click to refresh your stream.

As you’re flicking to see older Google+ posts, the rectangular posts fly into view individually, slotting into place as an informational mosaic.

Screenshot: Christina Bonnington/Wired

For smartphones, the app takes on a similar look, despite just being updated in May. Your friends’ profile images are circular now. Posts are all the same rectangular size, and as on the tablet app, a hearty flick sends images flying into view with a speedy physicality. Flick too hard in the tablet app, though, and posts can sometimes get stacked on top of one another like a pile-up in a traffic jam.

You can tap the Google+ logo in the upper left for access to your profile, photos, and other features like Hangouts, your Circles, and the newest edition, Events.

Google+ Events is Google’s answer to Facebook events. Where Facebook, and other event-organizing services, tend to focus on the invitation and before-the-event process, Google+ Event is designed to be a utility before, during and after events.

When you create an event, you can invite Google+ friends, as well as those who aren’t on the social network using their email addresses. You’re given a one-page form to describe the event’s information, along with the option to choose one of a few dozen “cinemagraphs.” These are cover-like images that give your invitation a dose of color and personality. Google+ Events features deep Google Calendar integration, so when you open an invitation you’ve received, you can see if you have any conflicts straight away. After it’s added to your calendar, when you click the event to get more details, a smaller rendition of the cinemagraph invitation is shown.

During an event, Google+ has a feature called “party mode,” which lets you and friends at the event share photos taken at the event in real-time. When you’re in party mode, the Google+ app shows a green icon.

Party mode gets activated in Google+.

Once the event is over, the event page turns into a memory hub of sorts. Google+ arranges the photos in chronological order, and photos that receive the most +1s and comments are pushed up to an Event Highlights section at the top of the event page.

All in all, the Google+ updates seem thoughtful: Features are now arranged in a more sensible way, and Google+ posts are situated in a more efficient layout for browsing. And for a Google Calendar-reliant user like myself, Events seems like a Google+ feature that could get some heavy use.

The new Google+ is available for smartphones and tablets today from Google Play, and will be available for iPad users in the near future.



Infrared telescope can pick out the atmosphere on distant planets, smell what the aliens are smelling

Infrared telescope can pick out the atmosphere on distant planets, smell what the aliens are smelling

Astronomers in Chile using the European Southern Observatory's Very Large Telescope are now able to analyze the atmosphere on faraway planet Tau Bootis b. Using CRIRES, a supercooled infrared spectrograph bolted to the 'scope, the team was able to judge the size of the exoplanet -- and for the first time, take a reading of the atmosphere while not in transit. Historically, the only time researchers have been able to conduct atmospheric analysis is during the transit of its nearby star, which imprints the qualities of the atmosphere onto the light. The team found that Tau Bootis b is around six times the size of Jupiter, but its air is so thick with Carbon Monoxide that we'll have to look elsewhere to plan that expedition to the stars.

Infrared telescope can pick out the atmosphere on distant planets, smell what the aliens are smelling originally appeared on Engadget on Thu, 28 Jun 2012 18:00:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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