Thursday, February 28, 2013

Bradley Manning Pleads Guilty For Supplying WikiLeaks, Says Newspapers Ignored Calls




Bad Piggies updates with new Flight in the Night, Road Hogs, and more!

Bad Piggies updates with new Flight in the Night, Road Hogs, and more!

Bad Piggies, Rovio's puzzling Angry Birds spin-off, has been updated to version 1.2. New features include 30 all-new Flight in the Night levels, 6 new Road Hogs levels, 6 new achievements, and a new sandbox.

If you already own Bad Piggies, go get the update. If not, grab it now.



Get free access during April with At Bat app

If you're a baseball fanatic, the MLB At Bat app is a must-have. It's packed with live updates, scores, stats, news, and videos -- and right now there's another great reason to pick up At Bat. Pony up for At Bat and you'll get to enjoy free for the entire month of April.

The service streams games in HD to just about any connected device you can imagine, from iPhone to PS3, and even Roku boxes and LG Internet-ready televisions. The basic subscription will set you back $99 for the season, and a Premium sub is an extra $20 (and adds DVR functionality, multi-game PIP, and more).

MLB At Bat is available for Android and iOS and both apps run to $14.99 US.

Get free access during April with At Bat app originally appeared on Download Squad on Mon, 04 Apr 2011 08:30:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Japanese court declares Samsung patent invalid in another spat with Apple

Japanese court declares Samsung patent invalid in another spat with Apple

Weary of the neverending legal back-and-forth between Apple and Samsung yet? No, we're not either (that's a terrible lie), and the latest exciting development comes from a courtroom in Japan, where it was decided Samsung does not hold rights to certain data transmission tech it accused Apple of pinching. So, what are the repercussions? None, really -- the status quo remains unchanged, and Apple can continue selling the products Sammy wanted off the shelf. The Times of India notes that cases in the US and South Korea over the same patent have gone one a piece, meaning Apple is up 2-1 in this particular bout. But, when you've been battling for this long, you've bound to win some, and lose just as many.

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Source: Reuters



Hacks, Hijacks and Hunts for Chinese Data Thieves

Still smarting from a recent attack on its systems, Facebook started its week with a discovery by researchers at Bitdefender that an infected add-on at the Chrome Web Store was planting malware on its members' computers. The malware, among other things, was padding the Like counts on dummy Facebook pages. Once the pages, which are often completely devoid of content, rack up enough Likes, their creators can sell them on the black market.



Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Review: Keith McMillen QuNeo Pad Controller

Review: Keith McMillen QuNeo Pad Controller
With the ability to process three parameters at once, this iPad-sized MIDI controller adds an extra dimension to your electronic music production rig.



Thousands of iPad Apps Is that All it Has to Offer?

The mad rush to get hold of an iPad certainly led a lot of people to believe that this nifty little gadget would put a smart phone to shame. The fact that users would be able to get thousands of apps on their iPad might have had something to do with craze and Apple did make it one of the selling points about the device.

Apple marketed the iPad as having specifically designed apps and that these ranged from leisure and educational ones right through to business applications that the average person would not be able to live without. Currently there are more apps being developed for the iPad which could mean there will be one for just about everything imaginable.

The iPad is loaded with apps, thousands of them and although some of these may appear to be useless at first, they are however available on the device should you ever need to use them. Some of the apps are really high tech but then the option is there for those who might know how to use them.

With this said there are lots of very useful ones too and this includes Epicurious which is a comprehensive cookbook that’s indexed for easy use. Simply by using one ingredient as a keyword search brings up recipes with that ingredient in them and then you can narrow the search by adding another keyword. With other lifestyle apps like Grocery iQ, these are fun to use and very useful to have at your fingertips.

When it comes to gaming and entertainment, there is a wide choice of things to choose from which includes high speed racing to more scholarly apps. Gaming is a great experience on the iPad because of it’s great display and ultra fast processor as well as it’s multi-orientation screen. This allows users to flip the tablet to whichever position the like best whether it’s portrait or landscape.

On an educational note there is Scrabble and Soduko which are extremely popular game puzzles that have been integrated into the iPad apps. But there are plenty more of them including Labyrinth, Monkey Flight, Traffic Rush to name but a few.

If you are a racing fan then the iPad apps available will get your head spinning. There’s Real Racing 2 HD, Asphalt 5 HD, F1 2011 GAME, Fastlane Street Racing Lite and many, many more. The total amount at the present time is around one hundred racing games which should keep anyone busy for a while.

There is even more choice when it comes to adding apps to an iPad. All you have to do is visit Apple’s App Store where there are thousands to choose from which means you are bound to find one or two that catch your eye.



Inside the Hunt for Chinese Hackers

A recent report by Mandiant, a U.S. information security firm, has added an important new chapter to the discussion about cybersecurity -- and put China on the defensive. In chronicling the massive, years-long espionage campaign conducted by the People's Liberation Army Unit 61398, the report implicates the Chinese government and military, and makes suspicions about China's cyberwarfare that much more credible.Dan McWhorter, the managing director of Mandiant's threat intelligence unit, talks about the six-year investigation of Unit 61398.



VMware adds Mozy to its cloud and virtualization empire

mozy vmware
Mozy is one of the most popular cloud backup services around, with more than one million users storing around 70 petabytes of data. Its popularity apparently put it on the acquisition radar of VMware -- which has now made Mozy part of its virtualization empire.

VMware's official blog post makes it clear that the company wasn't so much interested in Mozy as a consumer offering. Rather, it's the inner workings of Mozy which piqued VMware's curiosity. CTO Steve Herrod says, "Over the past 5 years, Mozy has built one of the best examples of a globally distributed, large-scale cloud offering." He adds that the move will allow VMware to "further ramp our own cloud-related learning and accelerate new IP, scale, and capabilities" of its existing offerings.

Existing Mozy customers don't need to worry, of course. VMware has pledged to continue running Mozy's service without interruption.

VMware adds Mozy to its cloud and virtualization empire originally appeared on Download Squad on Tue, 05 Apr 2011 11:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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FocalPrice Portable Plastic Fold-UP Stand review

focalprice Portable Fold-Up-1

I like to travel. When I travel, I am almost never without my iPad and various accessories (cables, headphones, keyboard). The one thing I have yet to find is a portable stand that is not only lightweight but robust enough to stand up to the rigors of my travel. The Portable Fold-UP Stand from FocalPrice may be just what I am looking for.  (Note:  This tablet stand is almost identical to the Arkon Universal Tablet Stand reviewed by Janet in 2011, but the FocalPrice version is less than half the price of the Arkon.)

Note: Images can be clicked to view a larger size.

focalprice Portable Fold-Up-2

The Portable Fold-UP Stand arrived in a sturdy cardboard box that protected it during its travels from China. The box itself contains visual information about the stands dimensions and how to use the stand.

focalprice Portable Fold-Up-3

The stand’s dimensions when folded are listed as 7.1″ X 1″ X 1.3″ (18cm x 2.6 cmm x 3.2 cm) with a weight of 3.2 ounces (90 g), small enough to slide into a small bag or purse.

focalprice Portable Fold-Up-4

Unfolded, the stands legs spread apart to approximately 5.1″ (13cm) and the and the back’s maximum height is approximately 7.1″ (18cm).

As you may be able to tell, The Portable Fold-UP Stand is made out of plastic. I know that many products are produced using plastics these days, and the quality and durability can differs from manufacturer to manufacturer. That being said, I am happy to say the plastic of the stand seems to be of good quality, giving it a solid look and feel.

focalprice Portable Fold-Up-6

All of the moving parts are ratcheted, allowing them to be opened to different angles and heights. I have not had any issues with the ratchet system so far.

focalprice Portable Fold-Up-7

This stand has rubber non-skid pads located in key areas on the stand, to keep it and the device it is supporting from slipping.

focalprice Portable Fold-Up-8


As you can see, I did have a piece of one of the stand’s bottom pads tear off of the stand. The tear did not affect the stand’s use or stability, but it does make me question the quality and durability of all the rubber pads.

focalprice Portable Fold-Up-9

I am using my iPad 2 to test the stand, but the FocalPrice web site states that the stand can be used by serval different tablet and pad devices, including (but not limited to):

  • Galaxy Tab
  • iPad
  • iPad 2
  • the new iPad
  • Kindle fire
  • 7″ and 10″ tablet PCs

focalprice Portable Fold-Up-10

Since I use my iPad with a Smart Cover and a generic plastic back case cover, any stand I use must accommodate these items. As seen in the above pictures, the stand handles it well.

focalprice Portable Fold-Up-11

With the stand, you can use your tablet in landscape and portrait modes; the back folds into many angles for viewing.  It offers a high level of versatility in its use.

Although, the overall size of this stand is a little larger then I would like, the stand’s flexible viewing angles and device accommodation makes this stand a good choice for any gear bag. With a price of $6.99, shipping included, I don’t think you can beat it.

Product Information

Price:$ 6.99
  • Price
  • Size and weight
  • Flexibility in use
  • Suspect rubber pads

Filed in categories: Reviews, Tablets, Ultra Portables


FocalPrice Portable Plastic Fold-UP Stand review originally appeared on The Gadgeteer on February 23, 2013 at 11:00 am.



Tuesday, February 26, 2013

BlackBerry Launches BBM Money Pilot In Indonesia




Editor's desk: What's next

Editor's desk: What's next

Winter is still here, I'm still buried in snow, but March is at last on the horizon. Unlike the last few years, however, I'm not sure exactly what that means, though I have some ideas. Here's what we have to look forward to -- or not, as the case may be -- for Apple, Mobile Nations, the iMore app, and iMore in general this spring.

March un-madness

January has come and gone without a 2011-style Verizon iPhone event, or a 2012-style education event and -- so far -- OS X preview. Now March approaches. For the last 3 years, Apple's held iPad events in March. This year the iPad and iPad mini were both updated not 4 months ago, and the logical next steps -- a thinner and lighter casing for the iPad, and a Retina display for the iPad mini -- both look like they might take a little more time. If the iPad has been even semi-permamently switched to the lucrative holiday quarter for release, what does that mean for Apple's spring event? For a while, Apple was doing iOS SDK events in April, but they were also doing new iPhone debuts at WWDC in June. We have iWatch, iTV, and Apple TV SDK rumors -- we've been over most of them more than once -- but very little when it comes to imminent product release plans. Forget "winter is coming", I want to know what spring is bringing...

Podcast makeover

If you subscribe to our Mobile Nations podcasts -- and you really should -- you may have noticed the big makeover they got yesterday. So far reaction has been overwhelmingly positive, so thanks again to Marc Edwards for the template, and all of you for digging it. Earlier today we started pushing out the new look across our Twitter accounts as well. Nothing like some spring cleaning!

Wallpapers with those designs, for the many of you who've asked, are now available for Retina iPad in 2048x2048 in our iMore Wallpaper Forum. I'll add iPhone optimized versions later this week.

We're also trying to solidify the podcast schedule, so here's where it stands right now:

  • iMore show: Live Sunday night, posts Monday morning.
  • [MacBreak Weekly: Live Tuesday afternoon, posts Tuesday evening.] (Not a Mobile Nations show, but you can find me on it every week so we need to schedule around it as well.)
  • Debug/Iterate: Posts Wednesday mornings (alternate weeks, not recorded live).
  • Windows Phone Central: Live Wednesday afternoon, posts Thursday morning (every second week).
  • ZEN & TECH: Live Wednesday night, posts Thursday morning (every second week).
  • Android Central: Live Thursday night, posts Friday morning.
  • CrackBerry: We're going to get Kevin and crew on a schedule. They've been warned.
  • Adhoc: As the name implies, posts whenever we do it (not recorded live).
  • Mobile Nations: Live whenever we're all around and not traveling, posts later that day.

If we move anything around, I'll be sure to let you know!

iMore app 2.0

We're in late stage beta on iMore app 2.0. We couldn't get everything we wanted into it, but we've gotten a lot. Here's a teaser. We'll be submitting it soon, and then it'll be out as soon as it gets approved. Fingers crossed.

iMore app 2.0 teaser

iMore next

If the above didn't quite get the point across -- Mobile Nations is going through some fairly explosive growth at the moment, and iMore along with it. And running a site like iMore takes an enormous amount of time and energy, including as much if not more behind the scenes. Kevin has Adam helping him out full time on CrackBerry, Phil has Jerry and Alex full time on Android Central, and Chris and Simon, our full-time cross-site editors, help out a ton on both those sites as well (and iMore as well, when time allows).

But we need more. So I'm looking for someone to help out in a similar capacity full time on iMore. I'm not in a rush by any means, and I'll take as much time as I need to to find the right person, but to take iMore to the next level is going to take a lot of work, and more effort than even our current team of amazing part-timers and free-lancers can muster what with their real lives and all.

More on that, and on everything else, in the coming weeks...



Logitech’s newest touchpads replicate a touchscreen experience for Mac or Windows users


Logitech has introduced two new touch pads with smooth glass surfaces that replicate a touchscreen feel.  There are versions for both Mac and Windows computers.  Both versions have a large touch area and both are USB rechargeable.  The Rechargeable Trackpad for Mac (top) connects to your Mac computer via Bluetooth and allows you to control your computer through the full range of Apple’s Mac OS multi-touch gestures. It has the mechanical touch-click familiar to MacBook users.  It requires Mac OS X 10.6.8 or later and is $69.99.  The Wireless Rechargeable Touchpad T650 (middle) connects to your PC through the included nano-sized 2.4GHz wireless receiver.  It gives you quick access to the Windows 8 start screen, and it allows you to control your PC using the Windows 7 and Windows 8 gesture sets.  It is Windows 7 and Windows 8 compatible and will work with Windows RT.  It’s available now for $79.99.

Filed in categories: Computer Gear, News


Logitech’s newest touchpads replicate a touchscreen experience for Mac or Windows users originally appeared on The Gadgeteer on February 25, 2013 at 10:00 am.



And Now, Ubuntu for Tablets - Wait, What?

Six weeks have passed since Canonical's splashy debut of Ubuntu for phones, but for many here in the Linux blogosphere, the memory is still crystal-clear. It came as some surprise, then, to see follow-up news announced so soon afterward. Sure enough, just as many were counting down the final few days before the expected Thursday release of the preview image of Ubuntu for phones, along came the Canonical team with yet another announcement. The news this time? None other than Ubuntu for tablets.



HomeSync Media Hub Is Samsung’s Android Answer to Apple TV

HomeSync Media Hub Is Samsung’s Android Answer to Apple TV
The growing set-top box space just got another entrant with Samsung's just-announced HomeSync Media Hub. Samsung's box focuses on providing ample storage for downloaded content, and offers multiple, separate profiles to differentiate family members' preferences and content.



Monday, February 25, 2013

Join the Engadget HD Podcast live on Ustream at 8:30PM ET

Join the Engadget HD Podcast live on Ustream at 530PM ET

Two in a row, that was a good run, but it's over as once again we are off our regularly scheduled time for the Engadget HD podcast. Hopefully this later time still works for you, as we don't know how we can go on recording without you at at 8:30PM tonight. If it does still work for you go ahead and get ready by reviewing the list of topics after the break, then you'll be ready to participate in the live chat.

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